a case for the planet earth is what i have worked on and i will make the presentation available as well you are more than welcome to use it to educate people as long as you respect the copyright on the screen this is my disclaimer and basically it says is that i am not a lawyer this is not a legal advice and you need to get a legal advice before you take any action based on the information on the screen or presentation.
otherwise you must not watch this presentation or you must not read the details and the description that i have provided here so who is davoud tohidy? i am the former eit member of professional engineers of ontario, canada. a graduate of interactive multimedia web development program from algonquin college in ottawa, canada a distinguished graduate of honors business administration program with an average mark of 98% from willis college in ottawa, canada my accomplishments is: our canadian formal chemtrails and geoengineering petition 2013
my formal letter / evidence written to canadian authorities via a lawyer at the url below my criminal chemtrails and geoengineering lawsuit. it's www.geoengineeringlawsuit.ca what impact my criminal lawsuit has made? is awareness that i have made evergreen aviation vanished in november 2013 shortly after the launch of my lawsuit site in october 2013 us alaska haarp facility shut down or scaled down to research capacity global warming was proven beyond reasonable doubt to be fraud. us republicans are now opposing global warming
and i believe my lawsuit has had a big impact in their decision making. a possible false flag nuclear attack on us cities was prevented and because i had it in my lawsuit. its relation to the spraying of lithium which was discussed by dr. deagle surviving the code red was exposed. release of lithium by nasa in the space was emphasized. a threat to the sovereignty of canada and a threat
of an ice age in 2031 was emphasized. a depopulation plan via new world order, haarp, vaccines, chemtrails, geoengineering, gmo fluoride and aspartame was exposed. illuminati, club of rome and creation of one world government through new world order were exposed. animal die offs and its relation to haarp was exposed. man made storms and floods of toronto and calgary in 2013 via nexrad were emphasized.
infiltration of mafia in the canadian politics, criminal court justice system and law enforcement was emphasized. presence of nazis in the us navy and nato was exposed. my current situation is that i have been put under extremely high financial pressure and jobs are being denied to me. i am about to go off grid and as a result the apartment
that i am renting, actually i am gonna be possibly losing it so i will be living with some people and set ups may occur in order to falsely imprison me. my personal security under threat and homelessness is a serious threat for me right now and these are all happening because of my fight with criminals and crimes against humanity. so how you can help? well, if you could hire me please do so.
i am a web designer and search engine optimization expert. if you have a web site i guaranty to make a huge profit for you by search engine optimization and also google adwords if you don't have a web site i can create one for you if else then please donate to my work via my site at www.geoengineeringlawsuit.ca why we must fight both chemtrails and geoengineering?
it is very important to understand both chemtrails and geoengineering we are heading to an ice age and an ice age will bring cannibalism, food shortages,extinction of different species including human. watch the movie “the colony†trailer at url below nano-particles sprayed via chemtrails and geoengineering are cooling the planet and are helping the early arrival of the ice age.
former nasa hq consultant, scientist and shuttle engineer mr. john casey predicts an ice age to happen in 2031. it is vital to mention both "chemtrails" and "geoengineering" in your correspondences / petitions with the government officials. otherwise you will not receive any response for something you have not mentioned. those who are asking you not to use the word “chemtrails†and use geoengineering instead,
either have an agenda and or misinformed, no matter how big their names have become. see my letter to dane wigington in regards to his call about not using the word chemtrails and other issues at the url below. download the pdf files as soon as you can because my site might not be available after october 2015 a quote from vladimir lenin: “the best way to control the opposition is
to lead it ourselves.†lithium, this is very vital and important! file a request for information under access to information act for the allowable levels of lithium in water, air and soil in your region with the fda and in canada with health canada. ask an authorized lab to sample and test it for you. how to effectively fight chemtrails and geoengineering listen to everybody but do not follow anybody.
limit the time sitting behind the computer and sharing pictures, chanting and chatting on facebook. that is not activism! get up and do the right thing now! formally" petition (not an online petition) the the government on both: chemtrails and geoengineering. so you need to formally petition. this is the process of formal petitions
read and understand the regulations about the petitions in your country. this is the formal petitions for instance for canada see: current guidelines for petitions at the url below prepare the text of the petition. see our petition as a sample at the url below but please note that our petition is over, we are not collecting signatures anymore. once you prepared the text of the petition
provide the petition to the clerk of the petitions in your parliament and have it approved by him/her. print out the petition and go to the streets and plan then all you need is to find an mp and have him /her to present it to the parliament. write a "formal" letter via a lawyer in regards to both chemtrails and geoengineering and ask the lawyer to send it to all government officials including leaders of
the political parties on your behalf. see my letter as a sample at the url below. file a criminal lawsuit, after receiving unacceptable response for your petition and letter, via private prosecution against those who are spraying or those who have allowed the spraying. make sure to seek legal advice before filing this as it may have unpleasant outcome. see my lawsuit at urls below.
my letter was sent to the following canadian authorities private prosecution is a tool that gives the power to you the people to act as if you were a police officer. so you can lay criminal charges against a person or organization who has committed a crime which not available in the usa. this must be within 6 months of the offense in on, canada private prosecution is just you go to your court , criminal court, for example ontario court of justice
and the you get the information form from them, you fill it out and the you add your evidence with it and then you go to swear it before a justice of peace at the justices of the peace's office. but you must get a legal advice from a lawyer before you go there or take a lawyer with you. so make sure to take a lawyer with you and ask him to take all the evidence with him to the meeting with
him to the meeting with the justice of the peace. and if jp asks why you are here the answer is to “lay information via private prosecutionâ€. by law any citizen in ontario, canada can represent himself / herself if for any reason she does not have a lawyer. a snapshot of my information is here you fill out the top part which is you and the accused information and then bottom part is the particulars of
offense and in the i will say section you add the counts count 1, 2,3, whatever count 1 lablablah and if you need second paper for the count 1, you copy the top part and add count 1 (cont'd) and then you go to the next count later on. so you add another paper like this and you add count 2 with other information on it. if the “information†that you provided to jp declined
then you have the option to appeal it in a higher court by filing a mandamus application which is a motion. for instance i did fill out the mandamus form which i got it from the superior court of justice, criminal court intake office in ottawa, canada and once it was signed by the court staff i then served a copy of it to the federal and provincial crowns and you need their stamps on the original after you serve them.
along with the motion documents, transcripts of the initial hearing before justice of the peace which you will have to order it via court support counter as soon as your information is declined by jp and then i served and filed all the documents with the superior court itself along with the affidavit of service. and then i appeared before a judge in a criminal proceeding. affidavit of service is a form you will get it from the
criminal court intake office. so after you serve the respondents with the necessary documents you get the affidavit of service and you just fill it out and swear it before a commissioner at the notary and take it to the superior court and just serve the court with that along with other documents. this is my mandamus application form to appeal the the decision of justice of the peace.
chemtrails are not contrails!! in a layman words contrail is caused by air crafts when there is no extra chemicals added to the jet fuel however chemtrails is caused by air crafts when toxic chemicals and metals are added to the jet fuel. chemtrail is a word not a slang! see oxford dictionary online watch out for disinformation being inserted on some websites. for instance climateviewer.com links to the nasa’s contrail pages and pdf files for the definition of
chemtrails and then he is asking you not to use the word chemtrails!!! to prove chemtrails just take a picture or video of a low altitude "persistent trail", write the date, time and temperature and humidity of your capture day and approximate altitude of the "persistent trail" . familiarize yourself with the nasa’s appleman chart at the links below. ge the to scale version of
the nasa’s appleman chart on the page 11 of this pdf file based on the nasa’s appleman chart, any temperature warmer than -35⺠c will not allow formation of contrail even if the rh (relative humidity) is 100%. humidity at which a contrail “may†persist at the typical flight level is between 60% and 70% if the temperature profile is to the left of the red line the "dash-double dot line" in the appleman chart.
this means any humidity less than above will not allow a contrail to persist even if the temperature profile is to the left of the red curve. ok so we have the appleman chart here. horizontal scale is temperature in degree celsius and the vertical scale is pressure in hecto pascal or milibar we have a curve in here. the far left curve is 0% relative humidity and the far right curve is the 100% relative humidity. we have three regions "always contrails"
is the region that if the temperature profile fits in there then contrails always will be produced and the other one is "may be contrails" and "no contrails" the red line, the double dashed line in this chart shows that at what humidity a contrail can persist. which is usually between 60 to 70% relative humidity. so if the air is moist enough and temperature profile is to the left of the red line then the appleman chart indicates that a persistent contrail can form but if
the temperature profile is to the right of the red line then persistent contrail can not form even if the relative humidity is 100%. at the typical flight level the pressure varies between 200 hpa and about 350 hpa. if we take these figures to the appleman chart we will determine the correspondent temperature of -50.44 degree celsius for 200 hpa and -44.61 degree celsius for 350 hpa. i will also provide the link
in the description section for the nasa's appleman chart teacher page which is now removed from nasa's website. print it as soon as possible. you will find the number for maximum temperatures possible for persistent contrails on page 8. so now you are ready to move on to the next step which is finding the local atmospheric sounding station closer to the area you captured the “persistent chemtrails†photo or video. go to meteocentre.com or another site of your choice select the station, and then select the "table text" as
type, select the date, select 00z or 12z based on the time of your capture. 00z is for between midnight and 12 noon and 12z is for between 12 noon and 12 midnight. then you click the go button and loo for the height corresponding to -35⺠c temperature in the table if there is no such a thing you just use interpolation to find it. if the the height of the persistent trail you have captured is less than the height you got from
the table then that persistent trail is chemtrails because at a height less than the height you got from the table, a contrail can not be formed leave alone be persistent. data in the table shows the height of about 6200 m for -35⺠c for western canada you may use university of wyoming's sounding data. just when the insertion point is in the station number text box, press enter. in the next slide i am going to talk about weather modification.
there are different terms which are being used such as weather modification, cloud seeding, chemtrails, geoengineering, solar radiation management (srm), stratospheric aerosol injection, stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and so on. relationship of weather modification to any of these that i mentioned is the same as the relationship of medical science to dentistry. when the government officials are talking about weather modification, they mean cloud seeding not the other ones.
cloud seeding is for the purpose of increasing rain and is regulated in some countries such as canada and usa. it is legal and governments do not deny they are performing cloud seeding operations. chemtrails is the most hated operation and is being done covertly for several purposes one of which is weather modification. remember you and your children are being sprayed with toxic chemicals and metals. you need to take action now!
here i am going to explain the difference between climate and weather. climate is the average pattern of variation in temperature, humidity etc. in a given over long periods of time whereas weather describes the short-term conditions of temperature, humidity etc. in a given region. if you understand the difference between the climate and weather then you will be able to understand and distinguish the differences and similarities between
geoengineering and chemtrails, where they overlap where they are different than each other. geoengineering: the intentional, large-scale manipulation of the climate no matter for what purpose i.e. to combat global warming or to combat global cooling etc. chemtrails can be used to manipulate the climate or the weather and or can be sprayed in a short short period of time in a small region with no effect no effect on climate and weather.
if chemtrails manipulate the climate then it will be be considered geoengineering otherwise it will not. that is why it is very important for us to mention both chemtrails and geoengineering in our petitions and our lawsuits. otherwise we won't be able to address both. so chemtrails may or may not be geoengineering. this is very important to understand otherwise you will fall into the trap of those who are asking you not to use the word chemtrails.
one again, mention both the words chemtrails and geoengineering in your petitions and correspondence with the government so you address both. club of rome, a private organization, is behind the global warming fraud! in one of their books called "the first global revolution" on page 75, this is a quote from that page: quote: in searching for a new enemy to unite us we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like
would fit the bill. end quote. so why global warming is fraud? because nasa has confirmed the hibernation of the sun. sun controls the climate on earth and the sun has gone into hibernation or sleep mode therefore this proves that we are in a global cooling era not global warming! this is very important to recognize as geoengineering and chemtrails are being sprayed under the guise of mitigating the global warming effects!
the chart provided by nasa is the count of sun spots of the sun and show cases the sun’s hibernation and as we approach 2020 sun spot counts are minimum. this proves we are heading to an ice age, as it is predicted by mr. john casey some of the activists actually they say well it does not matter if it is global warming or cooling. all we care about is chemtrails but i say it does matter. you need to know what the truth is. if you don't know
what the truth is then you won't have an educated fight and they will insert disinformation. and if you know what the truth is then you will prevent disinformation. other than information that i am providing in here there are mountain of evidence which prove global warming is fraud. dr. don easterbrook provided a fantastic presentation before the us senate committee on environment in march 2013, with hard
data he proved that global warming is fraud and scam. this is the nasa's sun's hibernation chart which i talked about it earlier. the horizontal scale is the year and the vertical scale is the number of sunspots of the sun and as you can see when we approach 2020 sunspots are minimum and we are heading to an ice age. so watch out for the disinformation. global warming is proven beyond reasonable doubt within my criminal
lawsuit to be fraud! those who are pushing for the global warming either have an agenda and or misinformed, no matter how big their names have become. see my letter to dane wigington in regards to his push for global warming and other issues at the link below effect of aerosol on climate / weather depends on 3 parameters. component of the aerosol, height at which the aerosol is being sprayed, size of the aerosol
next slide discusses the component of the aerosol it is a common sense that based on what the component is, different characteristics can be expected from an aerosol. for instance if component are water vapor they tend to absorb the heat and trap the heat and therefore tend to warm the weather. if there is nothing in the air and we have a clear sky then 100% of the sun’s ray reach the earth’s surface. if we add certain particles which i am going to discuss
later in this presentation then less than 100% of the the sun’s ray will reach the earth’s surface, therefore will cool the climate and weather. if we replace the water vapor with certain particles three things may happen: aerosol may reflect back the sun’s ray to the space aerosol may or may not have any effects in longwave or infrared. this is the waves that are being reflected back from the earth to the sky and or aerosol may absorb some of the sun’s ray.
next slide discusses the size of the aerosol. this is the rule, the smaller is the particle size the the higher is the cooling effect it will have. the smaller sized particles will have no effect on long waves and only will have effect on the short waves. short waves are the sun’s ray. however as you are aware chemtrails and geoengineering mostly contain nano sized aluminum, barium, strontium, sulfuric acid etc. so it is perfectly
safe to agree that chemtrails and geoengineering are cooling the climate and weather. for more details on this please see my article, page 4 and 5 of my article at the link below. last parameter is the height of the aerosol. it is common sense that if the height of aerosol being sprayed is lower then more of the sun’s ray will reach the ambient above the aerosol within the earth’s atmosphere and if the height is higher less of it
will reach that area. so this means the lower is the height of the aerosol the less cooling effect it will have because more warm air is present in the ambient above the aerosol within the earth’s atmosphere and the higher is the height of the aerosol the more cooling effect it will have. next slide is about carbondioxide and whether or not can cause global warming. if you recall in slide 38 i emphasized that pollution
is one of the false flag threats mentioned by club of rome so they have come up with carbon dioxide or co2 as the problem while not only co2 is not a problem but also co2 is the vital part of our ecosystem. to put it in simple words human inhale oxygen and exhale co2 and plants inhale co2 and exhale oxygen. without co2 there will not be a terrestrial life on earth! co2 is not a pollutant!! next slide is a table which shows the role of
atmospheric green house gasses, man made and natural, as a percentage of relative contribution to the greenhouse effect. if we look at it more in details we will soon find out that co2 is responsible for only 3.62% of greenhouse effect and that water vapor is the most dominant element in causing green house effect. and is responsible for 95% of the greenhouse effect. man-made contribution to the greenhouse effect expressed as percentage of total in this table.
man-made contribution to the greenhouse effect by all gases including water vapor in total is only 0.28%! therefore co2 is not the cause of fictitious global warming! this is the result of study made by philippon-berthier et al at the link below colder, drier conditions plus lower levels of carbon dioxide equals with 39% less terrestrial photosynthesis, 60% less forest cover, 30% less leaf area, 17% less grassland area, 69% less boreal
forests and 286% more polar deserts. dr.don easterbrook did provide a presentation in march 2013 before the us senate committee on environment and he did actually provide lots of hard which proved global warming to be a hoax. you can find the presentation at the link below. so in the mean time it is very important to understand that co2 does not cause warming rather it is caused by warming. there has been times that the amount
of atmospheric co2 has gone up while we have had global cooling. there has also been times that the amount of atmospheric co2 has gone down while we have had global warming. claim of co2 being cause of global warming is fraud! some people raise the issue of us public law 105-85 and that we are giving our consent to be sprayed. don't buy that. if we had given our consent to be sprayed then there wouldn't have been any right to
petition the appropriate government office as mentioned in the us clean air act. for more information see 24 and 25 of the geoengineering: governance and technology policy congressional research service r41371 prepared for members and committees of congress in the link below. so it is very very important to formally, not online, formally petition the government and or write a formal letter via a lawyer to the government officials to
withdraw any hidden unwanted consent, if there is such a thing. this is a quote from the above mentioned web page: basically what it says is that under the us clean air act the us environmental protection agency or epa must adjust its phase-out schedules for ozone-depleting substances in accordance with any future changes in montreal protocol schedules. so i am gonna let you read this and watch couple of other slides and when the time comes i'll explain again. and remember that chemtrails and geoengineering are responsible for ozone depletion and this is proven.
just browse the two links below. and i'll provide all the links in the description of the video so under the us clean air act the epa or environmental protection agency in usa is responsible for classifying any substances which causes ozone depletion of the atmosphere. so you know now that epa is responsible and chemtrails and geoengineering are depleting the ozone and then there you have it you can go and
petition the government for it. see pages 16-17 of crs report for congress clean air act: a summary of the act and its major requirement and or the screen shot on the screen. in the next slide i am going to discuss orgone and chembuster. orgone was discovered by dr. wilhelm reich an austrian psychiatrist, and it is named by him and it is the life force energy that is present in everything, it is known as 'chi', 'ki', 'prana', negative ions or negative entropy.
dr. reich confirmed the existence of the orgone energy in the human body, verified its presence in the atmosphere, what he did he used orgone energy for weather experimentation using the tool he invented and named it as cloudbuster. this is very very important to know that orgone energy is being used in weather experimentation today. other than chemtrails and weather modification experiments which are using orgone energy,
chembsuter which is invented by don croft and is the modified version of original cloudbuster invented by dr.reich for weather experiments also uses orgone energy. chembuster has removed the potential dangers of cloudbuster though and is not for weather modification rather is for balancing the upper atmosphere. chembuster is a safe device and i recommend building it. chembuster has the ability to prevent flash flood and will balance the upper atmosphere.
this has been confirmed by don croft. i do believe it will also prevent an ice age. chembuster will also prevent the pathogens of chemtrails and geoengineering from coming down on earth. this has been confirmed by don croft. the key to creating an effective chembuster is to make sure crystals are not fake and that you use double terminated crystals and that the clear end of the crystals or positive end are placed towards the sky.
the more chembuster people make the less is the chance of being disabled by criminals remotely . so we need to build as many as possible so that protect ourselves. chembuster clearly interferes with the chemtrails, geoengineering and weather modification operations because of its use of orgone energy. to learn how to create chembuster please see the following pages. criminals may be able to disable the chembuster
remotely and or replace it with a non effective one without your knowledge. if you build a chembuster, do not mention it to anybody and move it to another place everyday. make sure to build it in an open area while wearing mask and gloves and take all the necessary precautions because epoxy is flammable. those who are discrediting the chembuster either have an agenda or misinformed.
orgone energy and covert operations brilliantly have been explained by scott stevens in his presentation at consciousness beyond chemtrails at the url below. for the screen shot of scott’s speech on chemtrails, orgone and haarp see next slides. according to former rcmp chief of anti mafia operations ben soave, mafia groups have infiltrated inside political figures,law enforcement, and even criminal justice system in canada.
i have evidence that also nazis have infiltrated inside us navy and nato which you will see in next slides. so these are the ones who are doing the chemtrails and weather modification experiments and we are fighting with these mafia groups. so we have to come together and stand against these criminals who are trying to harm our people our planet. i am very very delighted to be working for my people
my wonderful planet and even if i die and come back again to this earth, i will be fighting with these criminals again. pray for me whenever you can. thank you. god bless. cheers!
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